A comparison between the Movie and the Book, Frankenstein edition

Frankenstein was originally a book created Mary Shelley on 1818, but has become very popular, sparking tons of movies on the idea. The book is about a young scientist named Victor Frankenstein, who wants to learn how to push science to its next level. He discovers a way to create a human being, that is much stronger, and bigger than a normal human being. Once he has succeeded, he realizes the mistake in making the creature. He calls it a monster and leaves it. The monster then travels by itself and is constantly shunned away by his hideous looks. Eventually he brakes and wants revenge on his creator for putting him in this cruel world. He ends up killed everyone Victor has ever loved.

But because of the popularity of the book, it has sparked many movies. The book and the movie, even though they are on the same plot, are very different when it comes to some details. In the movie, they try to shorted the plot to not make it a crazy long movie. Most of the scenes they cut out, they added in their own version, to still continue the plot, but not have it last longer than it should. The only main part that they did very different from the book, was they bring back Elizabeth back to life and kill her right away.

The book and the movie are very similar even though they have their differences. In the end, its still the same outline, just tweaked to fit their needs. Overall, the book and the movie are both great, and are very interesting and entertaining. They follow the same plot while being unique. But in regards on which I prefer, I would choose the book. The movie did not add anything new that was super enticing.

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